Saturday, October 29, 2011

A day of pictures and memories.

The quite right now couldn't be so loved then what it is right now. This Momma is wore out. We had a non stop day of fun. We used every minute to the fullest. Let me tell ya my back is paying for it right now.

I started off cleaning and getting dressed being there is no sleeping in on the weekend for me. 4 kids and a baby does not make it easy to sleep. I was surprised and excited to see Michael walk in the door at noon today. Harvest is over!!!!We decided to surprise the kids and take them to the newly rebuilt McDonald's.Chase was still sleeping so I decided to let daddy and baby rest and take the big kids myself. I love the new look of our McDonald's and the kids liked the new but tiny play place.

We came home and packed up to go to the parade well first tried on his first Halloween costume. Sneak peak of his costume will be at the end of the blog...We all had fun at the parade the kids got a bag full of candy. And chase slept threw the whole thing.I was great having Mike there for it. I have missed spending time with him,and I know the kids did too. We came home and ordered pizza out. We was just to wore out to cook and we was in the hurry because the kids had plans later on tonight too.

It was a fun day,but I am glad its over.I just didn't have any more energy to go on.Here is some pictures from today......
Mike and the girls.
John trying to get his dad to look at the camera.

Monkey and Me.
Chase wearing his "Believe" Jacket. Scott Kruse inspired me on his out look of cancer. All I can do is believe god will cure me of crohn's and if not he will let me use it to grow stronger.
Dar was with us this weekend.She was hanging out with a friend at the parade and couldn't find her for a picture.

Tomorrow is a day I will never forget,It will make it 2 years since my grandfather passed away. Its a hard day.I always remember around 2 o'clock how my heart ached to see him pass.I wish he was here to see my chase. 


  1. I love that jacket Monica crying right now just looking @ reading this I love u n I'm so glad that my uncle&my hero inspired u to believe

  2. He finally fits in it and a little room to grow too.
