Sunday, September 2, 2012

Google can be good and bad.

What a exhausting weekend. And I'm rethinking everything,I think its time for a second opinion and fast on Chase's back. After getting the brace. Which don't fit right. Poor baby can't do anything. It's to long. You try and sit him up and it digs in to his legs. I googled progressive infertile scoliosis and the information is over whelming I found a simular case to Chase's. Bex's story has shined some light and gave some hope. , its hard to read that the condition that your child has can kill them unless treated correctly. You have to fight strong against it. A lot of researching and reading a lot of doctors articles I'm not convested anymore that bracing is the right way. A lot of pediatric orthopaedic believe casting can cure a child of the scoliosis. I feel I can't second guess my gut feeling. And can't just believe one doctor. Cady went with Chase and I to Springfield. It rained off and on the whole time. She is a great big sister. She likes carrying around her baby brother. It was hard for her to hold him in his brace. We invested in a new car seat while we was by a babies r us. I wanted a RF seat that can switch to front facing. We picked a good time to buy a new car seat. They had a trade in deal so we got 25% off our new seat. So I had to install the seat all by my self. Ended up getting rained on in the process. I hated to but I chase riding facing forward. I feel he is safest riding rear facing till 2 or even old till he hits the max wieght for it. I think it might be bed time. I had to get some shots of anti biotics at the er a while ago and I think they might be making me very tired I usually can't sleep till late. I can literally say thats a pain in the butt! . f

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