Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"What your 12 and dont have a cell phone?"

Had to do some rearranging in my calender this week. Still a busy week,But thank god its half way over right? Friday now is my busy day. Thank god for smart phones. I keep my life on that thing. I keep doctor notes,my agenda, pictures,I email off it and lets not forget the important Facebook. What would we do with out technology? How in the world was my generation able to live with only analog phones?And NO Facebook. I remember getting a Myspace at the age of 16 or 17. But now kids these days have Facebook at 11. Not in this house! We a aware of the dangers. Its not a "trust issue"of I don't trust our kids with one. Its that they don't know any better. They still have time to mature. And if they have something to share with a friend. They can do it in person at school and not be posting their information on the internet for EVERYONE to see. But I remember when I was in middle school their was no pressure to have a cell phone. Now these days a kid comes across another kid in middle school with out a cell phone and its like "dude your telling me your 12 years old and don't have a cell phone yet, I had mine since I was like 10 yrs old." Rather then going out side playing after school its Txting, or facebooking, or getting on youtube after homework is done. I feel like it was forever ago since I was a kid but in reality it only been 10 years ago and I was 14 and in 8th grade.Cant imagine what we will have to deal with when Chase is 12-14 years old and what new technology will be out? Or will it just be" Your 13 years old and you don't have your own I-pad yet? I have had mine since 10 years old and this is my 2nd one" . I really just don't wanna know yet!

Yesterday was the basic day for us now. Chase had Chiropractor appt. in the a.m. I think he is really enjoying them now. Some of the stuff they do he will have this " oh that's the spot" face on. And never cries because what they are doing. And the Doctor knows how to make him cry. He just has to lay him on his back on the table and Chase hates that,sit him up and he stops. I am thinking its something to do with is scoliosis because chase never just choices to lay on his back. It seemed like 3PM was just a hour after 11a.m yesterday. Time flow, but the 2 and half hours of homework time just doesn't seem to fly by. We always have a book to read, 2-3 kids with math,2 kids with spelling homework,some type of project, some type of writing homework with Brooke,and either science or soc studies. And I go over everything. So yeah, you can add teacher to the list of things I do.


What age did your kid or kids have access to facebook and do you as a parent get on their facebook?

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are so insightful and interesting. I remember it was like pulling teeth to get you to write anything.

    You sound like a typical parent with all the typical goings on.

    You could have been a teacher with your compassion, and that is what a lot of teachers lack.

    Keep up the good work with Chase and your other young ones, it will be worth it in the end.

    I love you.
