Monday, August 27, 2012

Got To Believe Life Will Slow Down At Some Point

I have failed once again at keeping up with blogging. When I do have time to blog. I like to just enjoy the piece and quite for a bit or I'm cuddled up to mike on the sofa watching a show before bed. 

But I keep thinking about blogging. And I just feel like its a calling for me.Now that school started for the older kiddo's my scheduled got even busier. The first week they was back in school, chase started seeing the chiropractor 3x's and physical therapy once a week and every other week I think he see's a occupational therapy. The Chiropractor is doing a amazing job with helping Chase with his neck. Chase was born with tordicalis(sorry that could be spelled wrong) but it means his head was probably positioned awkwardly in utro or it could be from the traumatic birth he had but his neck is use to be leaned over to right and chin to the left.So we are working with his neck to get him to hold it straight. His scoliosis will be treated with a brace for now has long as the curve does not progress and it starts to decrease. We pick up is cool blue camo brace on Friday. I am so nervous on how he reacts to having to wear the brace. I have did my share of research on bracing and surgery and every possible options. And has long as chase doesn't end up with Harrington Rods that I have I will feel like we beat the scoliosis. Because to this day I still have back problems and looking at another surgery in the near future. What doctors don't tell you about having 2 rods in your back is the maintenance of them. The chances of having to have more spinal fusing and if something goes wrong with the rods in your lifetime of having them. So with all the extra activity's going on right now me and chase have anywhere between 4 appts a week and like this week we have 7 appts this week. Between the appointments,keeping the house running, and homework with the kids every night. It take a toll on me and chase's sanity I feel. All chase wants to do with play and move around and now going everywhere like we have to and I don't blame chase for his fussy out breaks. Mommy wants some fussy outbreak time of herself!

I am so proud of how all the kids adjusted to everything that is going on. We have a pretty good routine going on with after school. With 3 kids now having homework I am usually doing homework with them for 2-3 hours. Brooke is still struggling with math this year. I don't know if its just if she isn't getting it or if its switching from saxton math to this different book. But its to the point where we both wanna pull our hair out because some of the questions or problems are simple but so hard for her where I get the point of thought "Is she just trying to get me to do her homework?"

I am still battling a long battle with my long on going health problems at the moment. Which keep interfering with my crohn's treatment. I need to find a doctor that understand my concern. Being a carrier of MRSA isn't a healthy thing and getting remicade and having this isnt a good thing too. And I cant get my port replace back in because I cant have surgery while being a MRSA carrier. So in the end I am in a lose lose situation.


1 comment:

  1. Wow...I was happy to come home and have a blog to read...and a long one at that! You are one busy lil momma. But you deserve all the pats on the back. You are handling it so well.
