Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Once again,waiting for eeg results.

Its been way to long since I blogged but my laptop is still down. A lot and a nothing is going on. Christmas vacation time with the kids was busy. Then chase had a seizure. I still wanna cry just saying he did. But I will get to that story. The kids had a good Christmas. So did I Mike surprised me by getting me something that I wanted a year ago. He got me a huge jewelry box. Just like my grandma had. I love it. The kids got everything they wanted thanks to blackfriday Santa. ;) Chase got a lot of cloths and toys. Mommy loves baby toys...hey they are fun. And the family got a Wii. If they are going to play video games I rather see them up moving around on the Wii. I think the girls will have chase smurf dancing before he can walk. While the kids were enjoying their last day of vacation chase had a seizure. I was sitting by him while he was napping in his swing. I was admiring how cute he his and took a picture how he sleeps in the swing with his legs on one side of the divider. Like did I know his peaceful nap would be awoken 4 mins later with him turning blue shaking. Thank God Mike was home for lunch. Local er was disappointing with how the treated the fact my 5 mouth old just had a seizure and all you can say is his glucose is fine and on his discharge papers say see doctor tomorrow and reason for visit normal exam. Nothing on if he has another and whento worry what could cause a seizure. Yes I know its a er. But er could of gave me info chases doctor did when I took him straight to his doctor after er. He explained when to bring him to the er for a seizure Wwhat to do. And calmed my nerves by telling me seizures under 10 mins rarely cause damage. And ordered another eeg. I woundering if his thumping leg has anything to do with his seizure? Chase is doing great no sign of the seizure. Talkative as ever. Still playful. I know will let him sleep when ever and watch for signs that he is getting tierd. Extreme tiredness can cause a seizure. But this mommy now is going to get her sleep.little guy will be up early being he went to bed early.

1 comment:

  1. Was glad to see you are blogging again. I know it is hard with out your laptop. But good job!
    You have your hands full with you big family. Two years ago, it was only yourself you were watching out for..now look at you. You are doing a great job. I love you.
