Monday, December 12, 2011

I feel asleep writing this opps

Well once again I missed a few days of blogging. But with a sick baby and holiday around the corner I'm lucky to keep up with my self. And my laptop is down with the system 32 virus still. I did some major house cleaning today. Was just in a mood to.scrub the kitchen down. And dusted and picked up the weekend mess in living room. Had to call and cancel chase 4 month shots due to his cold. Its just a cold now no more barking cough thank God. He had to miss out on church,didn't wanna risk any other lil ones with croup and he needs his sleep. Chase wants to type out mommy's blog he is likes to hands on the screen and type. Its 1am and he wants mom. I am truly enjoying the holiday feeling. The beauty of Christmas trees. I was talking to John the other night and asked him what Christmas is? He replied it Jesus birthday. And with a serious voice he asked what kinda cake Jesus likes? I told him probably any type being that its the thought behind making it just for him. Then I asked if he thinks Mary make Jesus a cake up in heaven. He said God probably does. I knew the question of how old do you think God is? I had to try and explain that God as always been the. He really didn't understand so I asked him if he could stay a certain age would he,that God can do anything so he probably don't age like us. Oh my the questions that kids I gotta get some sleep I'm falling a sleep

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