Monday, December 12, 2011
I feel asleep writing this opps
Well once again I missed a few days of blogging. But with a sick baby and holiday around the corner I'm lucky to keep up with my self. And my laptop is down with the system 32 virus still.
I did some major house cleaning today. Was just in a mood to.scrub the kitchen down. And dusted and picked up the weekend mess in living room. Had to call and cancel chase 4 month shots due to his cold. Its just a cold now no more barking cough thank God. He had to miss out on church,didn't wanna risk any other lil ones with croup and he needs his sleep. Chase wants to type out mommy's blog he is likes to hands on the screen and type. Its 1am and he wants mom.
I am truly enjoying the holiday feeling. The beauty of Christmas trees. I was talking to John the other night and asked him what Christmas is? He replied it Jesus birthday. And with a serious voice he asked what kinda cake Jesus likes? I told him probably any type being that its the thought behind making it just for him. Then I asked if he thinks Mary make Jesus a cake up in heaven. He said God probably does. I knew the question of how old do you think God is? I had to try and explain that God as always been the. He really didn't understand so I asked him if he could stay a certain age would he,that God can do anything so he probably don't age like us. Oh my the questions that kids
I gotta get some sleep I'm falling a sleep
Friday, December 9, 2011
Oh Its Starting To Feel Like Christmas
So much od nothing has happened over the 2wks I have missed of blogging. And typing this out on a touch screen is proving to be difficult. I just seen I missed spell of but its to much to go up and excuse my spelling and miss types.
I got the house all decorated and the tree is up. Christmas is just around the corner. I am working on pictures of the kids for gifts for grandparent and other family member. I prinnt out a set and framed them and they look great but going to a friends to play around with the Colorado on them and maybe add some effects to them and hope to have them framed annd rapped by the end of this weekend.
Chase is getting over croup. Poor lil guy had to go to the er the other night. He could sleep from the barking cough keeping him up and he was trying had to breath.he got a shot of steroids whitch he hated. I know that stuff had to burn. I have had it by iv millions of times. But today he had just a few moments of whizzing and the cough was just a cough and not a barking seal noise.
The kiddos are doing good. I think John might have a small case of the croup. But the older the kid is the less the effect,I believe.
Its getting late and my eyes are getting to burn me from being so tierd. I am heading to bed and will update more tomorrow on what has been missed.
i finally can blog!
After having a virus on my computer since thanksgiving and hours of trying to get my new kindle fire to allow me to blog I can.but its 2am. I'm tiered and have a baby with croup so I'm off to sleep and will update more tommorw its a little hard to on a touch screen tablet. But yaya I can blog.
Monday, November 21, 2011
What Have I Gotten Myself In To?Black Friday Is It Called That For The Black Eye You Might Get?
I hate this time of the year cold out side and just plan old nasty. I refuse to get out in it with chase unless I HAVE too. So we stayed home recovered from our busy weekend. Chase napped most of the day and had me worried he wasn't going to sleep at night.
Mike and I spent hours looking at black Friday ads. Being that I am a black Friday "virgin" I am excited and scared. But there will be no pushing me around for the 42" LCD Sharp TV for $199. I will get it if its the last thing I do. :) Toys r Us is having a great sell too.I will be up there earlier for that 7pm on thanksgiving night because they open at 9pm Its black Friday,Not Thanksgiving day shopping. I am not looking forward to being out and about all day at families house's then to turn around and have to drive to springfield and shop till 2-3am.But its all for the joy of kids.
Other then just a lazy day nothing really great to blog about. Waiting on early Christmas present to get here. For all the headache my mother went through to find a tablet that worked. Finally went and bought a Kindle Fire and works perfect. Should be here any day now. Would be great if it comes just in time for my big shopping trip!
Posing with the monkey,He isn't old enough to actually sleep with it yet. |
Other then just a lazy day nothing really great to blog about. Waiting on early Christmas present to get here. For all the headache my mother went through to find a tablet that worked. Finally went and bought a Kindle Fire and works perfect. Should be here any day now. Would be great if it comes just in time for my big shopping trip!
Did You Think I Forgot?
It feels like forever since I blogged. And really it was only 3-4 days. Life has just gotten busy. And when I do have a free moment to sit down,Chase wants to be in Mommy's arms.
The kids have been at their mom's this weekend. And I still am lost with out them here. I feel like I am always forgetting something.Chase isn't use to the routine yet of the kids being gone to mom for a day to 2. When they do come back he is a total mommy's boy.He wants held all the time. And I cant even step out of the room for a second,with out him letting me know he is upset that I didn't take him with me. He doesn't act scared or like he forgot his sibblings. He will smile and talk to them and don't give them a look like he don't know them. I just wounder when he will get the idea of they sometimes aren't here and when they come back it like the same has they left.
Cady has been reading to chase after school. |
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I Finally Get To Breath,News On The EEG.
Woke up at 8am with Chase still asleep.What a shock.I finally ened up having to wake him up at
9am to eat. Today made it 2 weeks since his EEG.Called around and finally track the results down,then had to wait till chase's doctor to get them.I finally got the news that it came out to be normal. Oh I was filled with joy,you couldn't imagine .But the question is what is causing the leg thumping?I am back to worrying now. Is this just something he does that he can control like a stretching, or is it a sign or a symptom.
Today chase fell asleep on his back by himself. With his acid reflex its hard and sometime impossible for him to fall asleep laying flat. So I was in shock and amazed that I just had to take pictures.
Worked on math homework for 40 minutes on 4 problems.I didn't remember math being so hard. I don't they are spending enough time teaching the lessons. Brooke came home fighting with me on how to do it. I kept trying to explain to her how and why I am doing what. But dividing decimals is a tough thing to understand. I had to look it up in the book my self its been so long and we depend on calculator to much.
Other then that really nothing interesting. I have been taking it easy today. My cold has got me tired and weak from coughing and just being sick in general is tougher on me. I may not hurt from this cold but I feel it in different ways. I am sore from coughing more then normal. I sleep but not solid. And my immune system is low from the medication it takes longer for me to fight anything. And once I get a cold its hard not to get it again in a week or so again.
9am to eat. Today made it 2 weeks since his EEG.Called around and finally track the results down,then had to wait till chase's doctor to get them.I finally got the news that it came out to be normal. Oh I was filled with joy,you couldn't imagine .But the question is what is causing the leg thumping?I am back to worrying now. Is this just something he does that he can control like a stretching, or is it a sign or a symptom.
Chase peacefully sleeping . |
Worked on math homework for 40 minutes on 4 problems.I didn't remember math being so hard. I don't they are spending enough time teaching the lessons. Brooke came home fighting with me on how to do it. I kept trying to explain to her how and why I am doing what. But dividing decimals is a tough thing to understand. I had to look it up in the book my self its been so long and we depend on calculator to much.
Other then that really nothing interesting. I have been taking it easy today. My cold has got me tired and weak from coughing and just being sick in general is tougher on me. I may not hurt from this cold but I feel it in different ways. I am sore from coughing more then normal. I sleep but not solid. And my immune system is low from the medication it takes longer for me to fight anything. And once I get a cold its hard not to get it again in a week or so again.
Acid Reflex,
Immune System,
Felt Like A Rainy Day,Just With Out The Rain.
I am running a day behind on blogging.Last night I just felt horrible. No energy, Coughing,and couldn't keep my eyes open after I got chase asleep.
The big question is still...Any news on chase's results?We are still touched on how many people care.But sad to report no news yet. Mike and I are getting very impatient,So I am calling today.And they told me that the results are faxed in to his doctor so I should have some news with tonight(Today's Blog).
Chase and I had a enjoyably morning of just playing around and cuddling. We both just couldn't get our self in the Monday mode.Well for chase everyday is the same.I think he likes the weekdays better then weekends because he gets all his naps in when we aren't running all over.
Chase got a Bumbo yesterday,You are probably thinking what is a Bumbo? Well its a infant seat that helps them to learn how to sit up. I been waiting for him to be able to hold his neck up by his self.And he is actually doing pretty well. And now he loves to hang out with Mommy in the kitchen.
Oh I skipped over the awkward conversation Mike and I had a talk with Brooke about female issues and puberty. Had to explain pads. She would kill me if she knew I was blogging about it. But like I told her, its just part of life. I am just not ready for the teasing of her younger sister once she starts. Cady will find if funny in some way shape or form. Thank God I had a boy.
While waiting for time to go by to pick up the pizza for dinner.Cady decide to read chase a book. She has been reading to him every day after school for AR.So I got the bumbo out so they could sit by each other and she enjoyed reading to him. I thought it was cute.
Just this darn cold made me tired all day and I went to bed with out blogging. I try to Blog at night so its still fresh in my memory. And I been trying to get a picture a day for the blog too.
The big question is still...Any news on chase's results?We are still touched on how many people care.But sad to report no news yet. Mike and I are getting very impatient,So I am calling today.And they told me that the results are faxed in to his doctor so I should have some news with tonight(Today's Blog).
Chase and I had a enjoyably morning of just playing around and cuddling. We both just couldn't get our self in the Monday mode.Well for chase everyday is the same.I think he likes the weekdays better then weekends because he gets all his naps in when we aren't running all over.
Chase got a Bumbo yesterday,You are probably thinking what is a Bumbo? Well its a infant seat that helps them to learn how to sit up. I been waiting for him to be able to hold his neck up by his self.And he is actually doing pretty well. And now he loves to hang out with Mommy in the kitchen.
In the kitchen while the kids were doing homework |
While waiting for time to go by to pick up the pizza for dinner.Cady decide to read chase a book. She has been reading to him every day after school for AR.So I got the bumbo out so they could sit by each other and she enjoyed reading to him. I thought it was cute.
Chase loves to be read to and Cady loves to read.What a great match! |
Monday, November 14, 2011
I Need A Kids Manual With A FAQ Section In It.
I just couldn't get in the energy to start the day.I got Michael's good ol cold!Once I did get some energy I cleaned up the kitchen and bleached the bathroom. I feel like I am nesting again. Oh and vacuumed the living room and threw some cloths in the wash. I was paying for it later. My side started aching.
Brooke came home with cramps. I told her it might be PMS and had to explain that. Then had to explain what a period was with out telling her to much. I will not have the sex talk with her. WILL NOT! Then I caught her saying "Don't kick me in the wiener!" to Cady.Told mike someone needs to explain that girls don't have "wieners". So I asked him"Its time for the gender talk,if your not wanting to do it I will?" He was like dad shouldn't be telling her it. I may not be able to answer alot of the questions,You can. Oh my I don't mind doing it, its what to say. I don't wanna go to fair in to the talk where she starts asking why and well if that's related to making babies how does it happen?" NO I am not having the sex talk. I had to keep changing the subject with Cady when she would ask how does baby get in to your tummy. And if your tummy is hard from the water that the baby is in,my tummy is hard does that mean I have a baby? Oh my the questions loads of them that never stop.Someone please help me.Is there a book out there that helps with having the puberty talk with kids?
Chase has been great today. I think he was having a convocation with the dog today. He was just blabbering at him and beans just didn't get it at all so he was turning his head. I wish I had it on video. I know them 2 are going to be close.Once Chase is old enough to really interact,Beans is really not going to leave him alone.
Nothing really went on today. It was a short but calm day. I wish I had more exciting day to talk about. But stay tune my life doesn't stay calm for long!
Brooke came home with cramps. I told her it might be PMS and had to explain that. Then had to explain what a period was with out telling her to much. I will not have the sex talk with her. WILL NOT! Then I caught her saying "Don't kick me in the wiener!" to Cady.Told mike someone needs to explain that girls don't have "wieners". So I asked him"Its time for the gender talk,if your not wanting to do it I will?" He was like dad shouldn't be telling her it. I may not be able to answer alot of the questions,You can. Oh my I don't mind doing it, its what to say. I don't wanna go to fair in to the talk where she starts asking why and well if that's related to making babies how does it happen?" NO I am not having the sex talk. I had to keep changing the subject with Cady when she would ask how does baby get in to your tummy. And if your tummy is hard from the water that the baby is in,my tummy is hard does that mean I have a baby? Oh my the questions loads of them that never stop.Someone please help me.Is there a book out there that helps with having the puberty talk with kids?
Chase has been great today. I think he was having a convocation with the dog today. He was just blabbering at him and beans just didn't get it at all so he was turning his head. I wish I had it on video. I know them 2 are going to be close.Once Chase is old enough to really interact,Beans is really not going to leave him alone.
Nothing really went on today. It was a short but calm day. I wish I had more exciting day to talk about. But stay tune my life doesn't stay calm for long!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
What Am I Looking For Again.Oh Yeah Keys. DUH
Mike woke me up this morning at 7:30am and to my surprise Chase was still sleeping. For once I got ready with time to spare before me and the kids went to church.Chase was just a talking away while at church. He was trying to get anyone to talk to him.He kept looking at the pastor and making his high pitch noise. He was getting mad that he was talking and it wasn't directly to him.It was a good service once again. When we got home,the kids were singing the songs from service.
We got home and lunch was ready for us.I had so much to do today. Never ending laundry and dishes. Mike still isn't feeling good and actually sounds worse today. So Daddy and Chase watched football.
Decide to get some shopping done that was needed for the week. Got to the door and figured out I didn't have my keys in hand.I looked everywhere, Kitchen, Livingroom, Bathroom, In recliner, under the kitchen table. Mike even looked in the as he calls it the "icebox". We spent oh a good half a hour with me getting so mad because this isn't the first time I missed placed them. I went in to the room to get soaks and put them in my dresser. I felt so stupid. Mike came out with them with a big smile on his face. He kinda found it funny to find them there. My memory is bad,I'm always thinking of what I am doing next, what I need to do,what my planners are, the kids,baby,myself, mike.
I will have to admit. I think I am doing better then what a average 23 year old(soon to be 24 ehhh) with 3 kids and a baby + one teenager on the weekends.I know Mike is appreciated of me, I knew what I was getting in to( well not with chase,that was a big surprise!)when I fell in love with mike. and chase was the best surprise out of it(and will be the only surprise). God won't give me more then what I can handle. How I see it,I couldnt birth the family I always wanted, I wanted kids just not one but 2-3. God granted me that,plus I got to carry one.Sorry I'm rambling on and on!
Been thinking what I want to do next with my life lately and I am looking in to going to school. Thinking some online classes. I want a to be able to have something behind me that will be able for me to be qualified for a job that I can physically handle. With Crohn's I cant really work at a store or anything where I am no my feet 6 hours at a time and I need to be able to take frequent short breaks. But I wanna be able to help out a little more, by financially helping my family. Hmmmm, maybe a professional blogger? Yeah right sure.
I was so surprised by the response I got on facebook yesterday. I didn't really think my friends read this. I even talk to family and they refer to things I have blogged about. Thank you all for the positive feedback!
We got home and lunch was ready for us.I had so much to do today. Never ending laundry and dishes. Mike still isn't feeling good and actually sounds worse today. So Daddy and Chase watched football.
Mike didn't even realize they was sitting alike. |
Decide to get some shopping done that was needed for the week. Got to the door and figured out I didn't have my keys in hand.I looked everywhere, Kitchen, Livingroom, Bathroom, In recliner, under the kitchen table. Mike even looked in the as he calls it the "icebox". We spent oh a good half a hour with me getting so mad because this isn't the first time I missed placed them. I went in to the room to get soaks and put them in my dresser. I felt so stupid. Mike came out with them with a big smile on his face. He kinda found it funny to find them there. My memory is bad,I'm always thinking of what I am doing next, what I need to do,what my planners are, the kids,baby,myself, mike.
I will have to admit. I think I am doing better then what a average 23 year old(soon to be 24 ehhh) with 3 kids and a baby + one teenager on the weekends.I know Mike is appreciated of me, I knew what I was getting in to( well not with chase,that was a big surprise!)when I fell in love with mike. and chase was the best surprise out of it(and will be the only surprise). God won't give me more then what I can handle. How I see it,I couldnt birth the family I always wanted, I wanted kids just not one but 2-3. God granted me that,plus I got to carry one.Sorry I'm rambling on and on!
Been thinking what I want to do next with my life lately and I am looking in to going to school. Thinking some online classes. I want a to be able to have something behind me that will be able for me to be qualified for a job that I can physically handle. With Crohn's I cant really work at a store or anything where I am no my feet 6 hours at a time and I need to be able to take frequent short breaks. But I wanna be able to help out a little more, by financially helping my family. Hmmmm, maybe a professional blogger? Yeah right sure.
I was so surprised by the response I got on facebook yesterday. I didn't really think my friends read this. I even talk to family and they refer to things I have blogged about. Thank you all for the positive feedback!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
"I Don't Remember This House,Are We There Yet?
I must of been making some funny faces while I was sleeping this morning because I woke up with Chase laughing at me. He was talking and smiling then all of a sudden it was FEED ME NOW again. After feeding him it was our morning nap. Woke up and didn't even heard the kids come home. So looked in the bedrooms and they was quietly watching t.v. They know I need my extra sleep of I am grumpy.
So after cleaning the kitchen and doing the lunch routine. We loaded up the SUV and head off to swim. While in town all I heard out of John was "Are we there yet,I don't remember this house are we there yet?"We went to a indoor pool that was in a town over from us. When we got there I found my tot wet from a bottle that leaked. I was just like "why my luck".The kids got in the swimming suits. And they was off to play and splash.
Chase was for the most part a happy baby. He wanted a lot of attention today. He was very vocal. He would yell not cry for ya. Then once you came to him he wanted to just smile and talk your ear off. I guess he had something important to tell you but just couldn't understand him tee hee.
Got the little one to sleep now, in my arms and I'm going to go take me something for my ankle. Its bugged me enough today that I got my boot out.Which I hate with a passion.
So after cleaning the kitchen and doing the lunch routine. We loaded up the SUV and head off to swim. While in town all I heard out of John was "Are we there yet,I don't remember this house are we there yet?"We went to a indoor pool that was in a town over from us. When we got there I found my tot wet from a bottle that leaked. I was just like "why my luck".The kids got in the swimming suits. And they was off to play and splash.
John |
Brooke |
Cady |
Dar |
Chase and his sock monkey that Grandma B got him. |
Friday, November 11, 2011
I take a deep breath in....relax
Woke up to early today. Oh the pillow was feeling to good. Baby wanted to talk and then just out of no where it was the cry of feed me NOW. The kids came back at 6:45am. So there was no early morning nap time for me. So I was a little grumpy today. Plus I think my hormones are really playing with my emotions lately.Even my face is breaking out and it never did that before pregnancy but for ONE pimple a month. On top of pimples I have a some bacterial infection on the corner of my mouth. I have got it off and on with crohn's flare ups but I got this one in my my 7th month of pregnancy. I know what people probably think it is and no its not herpes. Not even a cold sore. My GI doctor has told me to put some triple anti-biotic cream on it and if it don't help have my family doctor send me to a dermatologist.And well I am waiting on my doctor to refer me to another specialist already so I once hear from them about that I will mention it to them. Every time I talk to someone and i see them looking at it I just wanna say no I dont have a STD its just my immune system is weak and I get infections all the time of any type.
It one's of them once again, a busy days.I feel like I am over doing it with my crohn's at times. Tomorrow morning.Im playing lazy. I can tell I am dehydrated.So I decided to drink 5 glasses (8 ozs each) at once. Got them down in a minute. Oh was I bloated.I will never do that again haha.
Oh I am looking forward to the holidays. I am really getting in the mood. Thanksgiving will be a first for chase. And I get to look thou black Friday ad's and plan my day out. Yes, I am going to be one of them stupid people standing outside a store waiting for them to open! I am excited about it.
Mike is sick with something. He was in a grain bin filled with mold and didnt know it till he got out and was coughing green. While eating tonight his throat started to swell. So he went out and a doctor gave him some medication for it.I hate seeing Mike sick. He over does it. He don't know his limit till he is on his butt and stuck having me take care of him while he should of just let me take care of him in the beginning.Men!
Chase is finally asleep so I am going to join in what everyone else is doing.SLEEP!
I am so proud to say,I lost 5 pounds in a week!
Who else is going black Friday shopping? What store do you like to hit first?
It one's of them once again, a busy days.I feel like I am over doing it with my crohn's at times. Tomorrow morning.Im playing lazy. I can tell I am dehydrated.So I decided to drink 5 glasses (8 ozs each) at once. Got them down in a minute. Oh was I bloated.I will never do that again haha.
Oh I am looking forward to the holidays. I am really getting in the mood. Thanksgiving will be a first for chase. And I get to look thou black Friday ad's and plan my day out. Yes, I am going to be one of them stupid people standing outside a store waiting for them to open! I am excited about it.
Mike is sick with something. He was in a grain bin filled with mold and didnt know it till he got out and was coughing green. While eating tonight his throat started to swell. So he went out and a doctor gave him some medication for it.I hate seeing Mike sick. He over does it. He don't know his limit till he is on his butt and stuck having me take care of him while he should of just let me take care of him in the beginning.Men!
Chase is finally asleep so I am going to join in what everyone else is doing.SLEEP!
I am so proud to say,I lost 5 pounds in a week!
Who else is going black Friday shopping? What store do you like to hit first?
Black friday,
Immune System,
I Dont Believe There Is Really 24Hrs In A Day
I needed nothing more then just peace yesterday. NOPE. To much to ask for. Spent 2 hours cleaning the floor because of a nasty mess that was made. I bleached and bleached then felt like taking a bleach bath. Yesterday seemed like it was only 4 hours in a day. It was like blink and it was gone. But got well somewhat of alot done. Made a roast for dinner,Bleached the floor and did some re organizing of the kitchen. Ran to wal mart while mike was home for lunch. Did a load of cloths. Kids came home and Ashley came over. There is no way to do anything with having company over plus the kids home.The kiddos act different with people over its like it gets them out of their routine. I use to be the same way...I think. Once the kids went to their moms. I was still none stop busy trying to pick up and vacuum when chase allowed.
Chase is getting so big its unbelievable.You cant really tell he was a preemie any more at all. Any where I go I have people asking if any results on his EEG.It touches me to know so many people care about the lil guy. But still no results. I am going to try and call them today to see if the doctors office is even open today being veterans days.
We got a semi busy weekend a head of us...And I still gotta get moving today. I know this blogs is once again a day late...but at least I get it done.
Chase is getting so big its unbelievable.You cant really tell he was a preemie any more at all. Any where I go I have people asking if any results on his EEG.It touches me to know so many people care about the lil guy. But still no results. I am going to try and call them today to see if the doctors office is even open today being veterans days.
We got a semi busy weekend a head of us...And I still gotta get moving today. I know this blogs is once again a day late...but at least I get it done.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
What a moody house tonight...
Oh how it feel good to sleep in.I got 10 hours of sleep( With a 6am feeding).I might have got to much sleep I was draggy for a hour after I woke up.Went to straighten my hair and spend 45mins doing it. To my surprise it only took 20 mins. I started using Mane and Tail (Kids thought it was mikes shampoo because it had a horse on it,Had to explain why I was using it). I am trying to grow my hair out,and I have had a lot of people tell it me it helps. So I am giving it a shot.I will have to say my hair is so much smoother and stronger with just 3 days of uses.
My crohn's has been making its self known the last couple of days. I have had to stop why I am doing and relax because my side will get a tight feeling.I been 24 hours thirsty too. Oh I miss being pregnant for the fact that I didn't have any crohn's pains or sickness.
So we have a 11 year old that is having mood swings. Oh I am not ready for the Pre-Teen and teenage hormones.I gotta put up with my own and now another.I feel so sorry for mike.He keeps saying if it gets to bad he will just go out to his man cave( The garage),and invited beaner and the boys out too. Oh my.I can see mike getting grays in a year or 2 from the PMS he will have to put up with.
Went thou the homework drama again tonight.I was at my last nerve.I didn't know what to do. I would read where the answer was and she still would get frustrated and not know.Its like she gives up before even trying now. She is a smart girl really.Never really had a problem with school till now. Just all the homework they give in middle school.I never remember having this much to do till high school.
My crohn's has been making its self known the last couple of days. I have had to stop why I am doing and relax because my side will get a tight feeling.I been 24 hours thirsty too. Oh I miss being pregnant for the fact that I didn't have any crohn's pains or sickness.
So we have a 11 year old that is having mood swings. Oh I am not ready for the Pre-Teen and teenage hormones.I gotta put up with my own and now another.I feel so sorry for mike.He keeps saying if it gets to bad he will just go out to his man cave( The garage),and invited beaner and the boys out too. Oh my.I can see mike getting grays in a year or 2 from the PMS he will have to put up with.
Went thou the homework drama again tonight.I was at my last nerve.I didn't know what to do. I would read where the answer was and she still would get frustrated and not know.Its like she gives up before even trying now. She is a smart girl really.Never really had a problem with school till now. Just all the homework they give in middle school.I never remember having this much to do till high school.
Chase loves to have no cloths on. |
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
No News Means Good News?Maybe....
I am on edge waiting for chase's EEG now. I keep thinking well maybe if it was bad they would of got the results to use ASAP.But then again,I walked on a broken leg for a week once because they didn't get the results back till the day I went to the doctors about a headache problem and they just happened to get the results that morning.To look at chase and all the new things he does daily.I keep thinking positive.He is a moving little grooving boy. And his "talking" is really taking off. He can mimic sounds you make.When I say "I love you" He can make noises in the same tone pattern. He is proving he is developing strong and great. Makes mommy so tickled.
Holidays are right around the corner. And I am slowly looking forward to them. Thanksgiving is just about 2 weeks a way. One thing I am not looking forward to is all the food. I started this"diet" at the wrong time of the year. But full steam ahead. I am not dropping the diet for the holidays. I will only enjoy the food while I eat it. I will enjoy my size 11 jeans MUCH MORE. Oh how I miss them jeans. There folded up sitting in my closet just reminding me everyday that they miss me Tee Hee. Here soon I will be strutting "My stuff" in them!
I don't remember 6th grade homework being so difficult.Was sitting down with Brooke and it was so frustrating for her she was just about in tears. And was at the point she just gave up and was throwing her hair in her face and playing around with stuff. Being a step parent I didn't know what to do. I kept explaining over and over and it was like talking to a wall. She was just so burnt out on it. I didn't wanna tell her step by step to add this or subtract that. I was trying to explain it and talk it out so she would figure out what she need to do with the numbers. I was even putting them in every days things she would do. But she was just so frustrated, it made me frustrated right along with her. Teachers need to explain a little bit better or she needs a little extra help. Because I don't know what else to do?
Holidays are right around the corner. And I am slowly looking forward to them. Thanksgiving is just about 2 weeks a way. One thing I am not looking forward to is all the food. I started this"diet" at the wrong time of the year. But full steam ahead. I am not dropping the diet for the holidays. I will only enjoy the food while I eat it. I will enjoy my size 11 jeans MUCH MORE. Oh how I miss them jeans. There folded up sitting in my closet just reminding me everyday that they miss me Tee Hee. Here soon I will be strutting "My stuff" in them!
I don't remember 6th grade homework being so difficult.Was sitting down with Brooke and it was so frustrating for her she was just about in tears. And was at the point she just gave up and was throwing her hair in her face and playing around with stuff. Being a step parent I didn't know what to do. I kept explaining over and over and it was like talking to a wall. She was just so burnt out on it. I didn't wanna tell her step by step to add this or subtract that. I was trying to explain it and talk it out so she would figure out what she need to do with the numbers. I was even putting them in every days things she would do. But she was just so frustrated, it made me frustrated right along with her. Teachers need to explain a little bit better or she needs a little extra help. Because I don't know what else to do?
Lets see you do this...With a smile
What a ugly rainy day out. It was one of them days where I just wanted to curl up on the sofa.Turn on some Rachael Ray and sip some hot chocolate. But it didn't happen. Chase slept pretty good last night. I got atleast 6 hours of sleep.With just one feeding in the early morning. Mike didnt have to work. He was home till early afternoon then went deer hunting. I went on a mad cleaning spree while I had some time till the kiddos got home. I been on a cleaning spree for a good 4 days.And you really cant tell. With keeping up with dishes and Chases needs. And meals,shopping a few times, a few hours to myself Saturday.So cleaning never really gets to the point where I can say ahhh I am done. All the leafs that come in and the dog chewing on stuff. The laundry I do daily. I cant really start on something that dont really need done and can wait and live around it. So I straighten up so stuff in the kitchen today. My collect all table is looking better. I dont have much to do with that tomorrow.And did a little more cleaning here in there till the kids got home.
I did get the chance to call the doctor about chases EEG results and no word yet. Still just twirling my thumps waiting. I was on the phone and my heart was in my stomach scared for the nurse to come back on and tell me well we did get the results but doctors wants to go over them in office.But no news is good news maybe,Well I would like to think.
The kids come and it was hours of homework while I tried to cook dinner. Took 2 hours for 6th grade homework. Bring back memories of my past. Oh how I hated homework. We have homework with all the kids just about every night. While trying to do this, Chase wanted held. Environmental changes makes him want soothed. Tonight was hard to get him to sleep just has he gets use to the kids being around,they go to their moms and the cycle begins again. I am hoping he will get use to it soon.
I got my hands full never a moment when I could say I'm done. Their is something always calling my name!
My eyes are closing has I fight sleep typing this. I hope people don t take this has I am saying their lifes are not hard compare to min.
I did get the chance to call the doctor about chases EEG results and no word yet. Still just twirling my thumps waiting. I was on the phone and my heart was in my stomach scared for the nurse to come back on and tell me well we did get the results but doctors wants to go over them in office.But no news is good news maybe,Well I would like to think.
The kids come and it was hours of homework while I tried to cook dinner. Took 2 hours for 6th grade homework. Bring back memories of my past. Oh how I hated homework. We have homework with all the kids just about every night. While trying to do this, Chase wanted held. Environmental changes makes him want soothed. Tonight was hard to get him to sleep just has he gets use to the kids being around,they go to their moms and the cycle begins again. I am hoping he will get use to it soon.
I got my hands full never a moment when I could say I'm done. Their is something always calling my name!
My eyes are closing has I fight sleep typing this. I hope people don t take this has I am saying their lifes are not hard compare to min.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I went MIA..
I know I haven't posted in a few days. I ment to but my A.D.D kicked in and I been spot cleaning the whole house. In between taking care of baby.And having some me time Saturday night. I been busy doing something or busy doing nothing and enjoying some time of quite and no time frame to do anything on.
Had a melt down last night, I finally just threw my hands up and said I don't know what to do. It was a long time coming for it. Everything I bottle in because venting them wont change them and I hate complaining. But its this that and everything thrown at me and I don't have time and I just down wanna deal with alot of it. Mainly health related. Crohn's disease is tied in with all my problems I have. Its either the disease its self or the medication.
This morning the time change really messed me up and had to text some one to make sure what time church was. I knew the time didnt change on it. But anytime the time changes I get confused of will on old time it would feel like its" " time but really its not. If you get what I mean. But woke up just in time to feed chase say goodbye to mike and get dressed and head out the door. Church was great today. I really like the church I have been attending. Everyone is so welcoming and I know alot of people thats a plus. And it doesn't seem like your getting preached at but that the preacher is really trying to get the message cross. Its hard to really explain. Its easier to understand the messages they are passing on....
Chase is having some problems with is Acid Reflex due to the fact he refuses to swallow most of his medication. Got it flavored grape for him and he still will spit it back out or up a few minutes later after taking it. And tonight it became known load and clean by him telling us with his screaming and crying that the soy formula is constipating him. He goes once a day or once every 36 hours but its a lil bit. He screamed and cried in pain. Finally got him to go...ALOT and now he is fine. Poor baby! I hated seeing him like that. I need to find something to help him out. He is such a happy easy going baby when he cries like that it really alarms me because it just isn't like him to be like that. He is more of a whinny baby then crying.Oh and the last 3 chase has been sleeping all night. That makes me a super happy mommy in the morning,I love the sleep lol.
Wish me luck,I got a important test I got to get done this Wednesday. Well I hope I can get it done. If not I am going to have to see and specialist.
Had a melt down last night, I finally just threw my hands up and said I don't know what to do. It was a long time coming for it. Everything I bottle in because venting them wont change them and I hate complaining. But its this that and everything thrown at me and I don't have time and I just down wanna deal with alot of it. Mainly health related. Crohn's disease is tied in with all my problems I have. Its either the disease its self or the medication.
This morning the time change really messed me up and had to text some one to make sure what time church was. I knew the time didnt change on it. But anytime the time changes I get confused of will on old time it would feel like its" " time but really its not. If you get what I mean. But woke up just in time to feed chase say goodbye to mike and get dressed and head out the door. Church was great today. I really like the church I have been attending. Everyone is so welcoming and I know alot of people thats a plus. And it doesn't seem like your getting preached at but that the preacher is really trying to get the message cross. Its hard to really explain. Its easier to understand the messages they are passing on....
Chase is having some problems with is Acid Reflex due to the fact he refuses to swallow most of his medication. Got it flavored grape for him and he still will spit it back out or up a few minutes later after taking it. And tonight it became known load and clean by him telling us with his screaming and crying that the soy formula is constipating him. He goes once a day or once every 36 hours but its a lil bit. He screamed and cried in pain. Finally got him to go...ALOT and now he is fine. Poor baby! I hated seeing him like that. I need to find something to help him out. He is such a happy easy going baby when he cries like that it really alarms me because it just isn't like him to be like that. He is more of a whinny baby then crying.Oh and the last 3 chase has been sleeping all night. That makes me a super happy mommy in the morning,I love the sleep lol.
Wish me luck,I got a important test I got to get done this Wednesday. Well I hope I can get it done. If not I am going to have to see and specialist.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Where Did This Day Go?
What a ugly day out.Chase and I didnt even get dressed.We stayed home all day and surprisingly mike came home around noonish. We had a pretty busy day around the house and getting stuff we needed and getting stuff done around the house.
Mike came home with a pack and play and a ecersaucer for chase. Which Chase loves both. Even the older kids play with the ecersaucer with him. He can't play with the toys that are attached to it but he loves to watch the kids play with them for him. I love watching the kids interact with chase and how they can light up Chases face too.Talking about Chase's face oh my has he got some cheeks.He is starting to get hamster cheeks I call it. I am so glad he is gaining weight.
We started a Chore Chart for the kids this today. The little thing that you keep having to remind kids.
Chase is sleeping I think i am going to pick the living room up and catch some ZZzz's myself. My medication just kicked in for my back and it finally doesn't hurt and isn't tight.
Mike came home with a pack and play and a ecersaucer for chase. Which Chase loves both. Even the older kids play with the ecersaucer with him. He can't play with the toys that are attached to it but he loves to watch the kids play with them for him. I love watching the kids interact with chase and how they can light up Chases face too.Talking about Chase's face oh my has he got some cheeks.He is starting to get hamster cheeks I call it. I am so glad he is gaining weight.
We started a Chore Chart for the kids this today. The little thing that you keep having to remind kids.
- Put cloths up
- Put dirty cloths in hamper
- Clean your spot off at the table
- Hang towel
- Make bed
- Pick up room
- And for a bonus star is good behavior=No talking back,No beating each other up,No begging,No bugging each other.List goes on...More days then few they are good. But sometimes kids have their days where there just not in to behaving and they know what there doing but test you or don't care. But its mostly the beginning of the week or when their fathers in the fields and they test me or miss him and it gets to them.It gets to me and I'm not just feeling right when mikes in the fields. Its difficult. But its finally over for this year yaya!
Chase is sleeping I think i am going to pick the living room up and catch some ZZzz's myself. My medication just kicked in for my back and it finally doesn't hurt and isn't tight.
House Cleaning,
Step kids,
Step Parenting
Illinois, USA
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Just A Waiting Game Now...
Started off this day to early,5:30am came and I wasn't ready to wake up at all. I had to keep him up for a while last night so he would be tired for the EEG.We left the house at 6:30 and got on the at the hospital at 7:45.Chase did pretty good while putting on the wires on his head. Afterward he got all the wires on he wanted to sleep but couldn't because we was in a different place. At point in the test the tech called the other tech in and questioned/showed something. That's having me worried. Maybe it was nothing, Could of been good or bad. A technical difficulty or a error or it could of been something with chases health. We wont know for a week. So it just a waiting game now.
This is the first time since we got home from the hospital that i can sit down and just relax. Chase has been moody ever since and wanted mommy to hold him so he can sleep most of the day. The kids had me running around the house like a chicken with out a head. And I was trying to do house work on top of this. Who do I contact to ask for more hours in a day?Or maybe a extra day in the week?
I Just Want A Calm Week.
Once again I am a day late for my blog, I apologize.Yesterday was busy with chase wanting to be held a lot and waking up every 20 minutes wanting held and butt patted to sleep.With the tested he had today,I was worried sick about what the results would be. I will address more about the test in today's blog(this is yesterdays blog).
Its like every week its a appointment or two.I just want a calm week. No appointments and the kids not trash to house.I got enough to clean just picking up after my self.Maybe its time to get a chore chart started then maybe this house can run in a orderly fashion. That's what I am going to start.A chore chart.
Well off to clean the house..I hope to get today's blog posted tonight.
Its like every week its a appointment or two.I just want a calm week. No appointments and the kids not trash to house.I got enough to clean just picking up after my self.Maybe its time to get a chore chart started then maybe this house can run in a orderly fashion. That's what I am going to start.A chore chart.
Well off to clean the house..I hope to get today's blog posted tonight.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Two Weeks And Finally A Call Back
I am a day behind on blogging, I was so tired and in some pain. But yesterday I finally got a call back about chase's shacking he does with his legs. It only took the 2 weeks 1 call and talking to the nurse at his last weigh in. I really like his doctor and he is the one who delivered him in the emergency c-section. But the staff isn't good about call backs at all. But anyways,Doctor says knowing his history{guessing he means birth because i dont think reflex has anything to do with this}he wants a EEG done. Hearing that makes me so nervous thinking their could be something neurologically wrong with him. But with how the doctor brought up "knowing his history" makes me think they think it has something with the cord prolapse. Chase was coming out with his cord on his head so the cord was trying to come out first. I had a nurse holding his head off the cord the whole time from when they discovered this till the c-section.
His EEG his Wednesday, I pray they come back normal. I would rather find out something wrong is myself then my son...
This blog is cut short.Kids a getting home from school.
His EEG his Wednesday, I pray they come back normal. I would rather find out something wrong is myself then my son...
This blog is cut short.Kids a getting home from school.
3 Month Old,
Cord Prolapse,
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I Am NOT getting Any Younger!
I am sore in places I didn't know could hurt.It was a busy weekend.Today I was woke up just to be asked "Can we play with the toy cup cake maker?".Its not like I get 8 hours of sleep or anything. But it was a good thing I did get up because I wanted to make it to church. After getting everything ready for Chase,Cady,and I to go,we left on time.Chase did great. No crying,he just wanted to talk to Catlin who was behind us. Came home and lunch was ready for us.
Even tho its Halloween our town has Trick Or Treat the night before and the day of too. So we got the kids dressed in there costumes and we went out tonight. Mike dresses up with them too.
The kids had a blast but we had to keep reminding them to say trick or treat at every door. They got a bag of candy that we had to stop them from eatting all of it tonight.
Chase slept threw the whole time we was out. I think the movement soothes me to sleep.When I was pregnant I was always doing something where I was moving around. Taking care of 3 kids during the summer being 8-9 months pregnant was a challenge.
Chase is dealing with his acid reflex again.Poor little guy fights the bottle when he eats but wants to eat. And the vomiting is back. I think his medication needs to be adjusted now that he gained weight so fast. Doctors say 50% I think or 40% of babies will deal with some form of acid reflex.
This Mommy is going to lay her head down and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a lazy day for me. My body just cant take being busy.I really over did it this weekend,My crohn's is letting me know that.
I hope everyone has a Safe and Happy Halloween!
Even tho its Halloween our town has Trick Or Treat the night before and the day of too. So we got the kids dressed in there costumes and we went out tonight. Mike dresses up with them too.
My Family Halloween |
They fought over who would knock |
My sleepy Monkey. |
Chase is dealing with his acid reflex again.Poor little guy fights the bottle when he eats but wants to eat. And the vomiting is back. I think his medication needs to be adjusted now that he gained weight so fast. Doctors say 50% I think or 40% of babies will deal with some form of acid reflex.
This Mommy is going to lay her head down and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a lazy day for me. My body just cant take being busy.I really over did it this weekend,My crohn's is letting me know that.
I hope everyone has a Safe and Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
A day of pictures and memories.
The quite right now couldn't be so loved then what it is right now. This Momma is wore out. We had a non stop day of fun. We used every minute to the fullest. Let me tell ya my back is paying for it right now.
I started off cleaning and getting dressed being there is no sleeping in on the weekend for me. 4 kids and a baby does not make it easy to sleep. I was surprised and excited to see Michael walk in the door at noon today. Harvest is over!!!!We decided to surprise the kids and take them to the newly rebuilt McDonald's.Chase was still sleeping so I decided to let daddy and baby rest and take the big kids myself. I love the new look of our McDonald's and the kids liked the new but tiny play place.
We came home and packed up to go to the parade well first tried on his first Halloween costume. Sneak peak of his costume will be at the end of the blog...We all had fun at the parade the kids got a bag full of candy. And chase slept threw the whole thing.I was great having Mike there for it. I have missed spending time with him,and I know the kids did too. We came home and ordered pizza out. We was just to wore out to cook and we was in the hurry because the kids had plans later on tonight too.
It was a fun day,but I am glad its over.I just didn't have any more energy to go on.Here is some pictures from today......
Mike and the girls. |
John trying to get his dad to look at the camera. |
Monkey and Me. |
Chase wearing his "Believe" Jacket. Scott Kruse inspired me on his out look of cancer. All I can do is believe god will cure me of crohn's and if not he will let me use it to grow stronger. |
Tomorrow is a day I will never forget,It will make it 2 years since my grandfather passed away. Its a hard day.I always remember around 2 o'clock how my heart ached to see him pass.I wish he was here to see my chase.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Small Mistakes= Alot of Pain Sometimes,Anyone Found My Brain Yet?
I would like to start off with saying.I am not a cardinal hater!My personal out look is I don't get why a game has to take over the news,and why are sports players just right along with actors and singers are paid more then doctors,paramedics,police,and people that make a different in peoples life and save them. Doctors get paid good I know but nothing like what Pujols makes.Without people protecting us,saving our live we wouldn't be able to have the life's we do. This is my out look out it. I enjoy sports, I do.But what they get paid,and how they take over the news with World Series,and the Super Bowl.I don't agree with.Report on it once and move on.
I had my friend Ashley and her adorable daughter over today. I can not believe her youngest daughter is getting so big.Just was yesterday I was holding her as a newborn and being so nervous. I was 3-4 months pregnant and getting excited to be holding my baby in a few months. Chase turned 3 months old today. That is so unreal to think about.I still sit and stare at him thinking"I cant believe he is mine".I still have negative feeling about the day he was born. I feel like the joy was stolen from it and replaced with fear.The birth of your child is suppose to be one of the happiest days of your life. It was the scariest for me and probably Mike too.To be told your child is on his cord and you need a emergency c-section is the worst words ever to hear. With every contraction his heart rate went down.But I will get to his birth story some other post. But seems like just yesterday.
I swear I am losing my mind slowly. I hurt myself a couple of times today that should of been common since to me. Tried to fix the vacuum cleaner while it was on-Stuck my hand in it when it was on. Figured out I put something on it in the wrong place opps. I did a couple of little stupid things like that all day. I swear I was never this how can I put it,unaware of what I was doing. I have been even forgetting peoples names.I couldn't think of Cadence's name today. I knew it started with a C but it didn't come to me for a few seconds. I look at my "step" kids(" " used because I am not married to the father yet) as my own kids. And I forgot a name. I am really thinking something is causing this. But I cant put my finger on it. Maybe I forgot?
Well everyone is in bed.I am headed there myself for 2 hours of sleep before little man is probably want a bottle.I am excited for tomorrow.Parade will be fun to take the kids to, and we are decorating pumpkins also.
I had my friend Ashley and her adorable daughter over today. I can not believe her youngest daughter is getting so big.Just was yesterday I was holding her as a newborn and being so nervous. I was 3-4 months pregnant and getting excited to be holding my baby in a few months. Chase turned 3 months old today. That is so unreal to think about.I still sit and stare at him thinking"I cant believe he is mine".I still have negative feeling about the day he was born. I feel like the joy was stolen from it and replaced with fear.The birth of your child is suppose to be one of the happiest days of your life. It was the scariest for me and probably Mike too.To be told your child is on his cord and you need a emergency c-section is the worst words ever to hear. With every contraction his heart rate went down.But I will get to his birth story some other post. But seems like just yesterday.
I swear I am losing my mind slowly. I hurt myself a couple of times today that should of been common since to me. Tried to fix the vacuum cleaner while it was on-Stuck my hand in it when it was on. Figured out I put something on it in the wrong place opps. I did a couple of little stupid things like that all day. I swear I was never this how can I put it,unaware of what I was doing. I have been even forgetting peoples names.I couldn't think of Cadence's name today. I knew it started with a C but it didn't come to me for a few seconds. I look at my "step" kids(" " used because I am not married to the father yet) as my own kids. And I forgot a name. I am really thinking something is causing this. But I cant put my finger on it. Maybe I forgot?
Well everyone is in bed.I am headed there myself for 2 hours of sleep before little man is probably want a bottle.I am excited for tomorrow.Parade will be fun to take the kids to, and we are decorating pumpkins also.
3 Month Old,
Step Kid
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A first for everything
I must be getting old,I cant remember anything before noon today.I felt like over the hill after the age of 20.I know that's sad right?
Today was a lay back day. Nothing really HAD to be done.No appointments,Nothing had to be picked up from the store.Had a flash back of yesterday,I put something in the oven for lunch for me and a friend.You know where this is going right.Yep I forgot to turn the oven on.Can stress make you forget little things like that?
I get a boost of energy in the afternoon when the kids come home.We did homework, cooked dinner,cleaned chase room,folded clothes, vacuumed,did more laundry,swept the kitchen.Then mike came home with a sweet card for me just because.
I just attempted to put chase in his crib to sleep for the first time in it. He has napped in it but never bed time.First time was a fail.Now he doesn't wanna leave my arms.So I been writing this with one hand while chase beats me up in his sleep.Maybe after being a sleep for 10 mins. in my arms we will attempt try #2 of the crib. If all else fails it we will try again Friday night.
Today was a lay back day. Nothing really HAD to be done.No appointments,Nothing had to be picked up from the store.Had a flash back of yesterday,I put something in the oven for lunch for me and a friend.You know where this is going right.Yep I forgot to turn the oven on.Can stress make you forget little things like that?
I get a boost of energy in the afternoon when the kids come home.We did homework, cooked dinner,cleaned chase room,folded clothes, vacuumed,did more laundry,swept the kitchen.Then mike came home with a sweet card for me just because.
I just attempted to put chase in his crib to sleep for the first time in it. He has napped in it but never bed time.First time was a fail.Now he doesn't wanna leave my arms.So I been writing this with one hand while chase beats me up in his sleep.Maybe after being a sleep for 10 mins. in my arms we will attempt try #2 of the crib. If all else fails it we will try again Friday night.
Daddy got a big smile! |
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
If you find my brain,please return!
My little boy isn't showing he is a preemie. He weighted in at 10Ibs 4ozs. He is a few pounds lighter then what he should be at 3 months.But he just about doubled his weight already{birth weight was 5Ibs 6ozs}. He is a little eating monster now. He is currently happy swinging away.
Today was happy hump day.Nothing really went on today. It rained a little so mike and his boss wasn't able to get the rest of the corn out. But did get home early to pull out my burnt Lasagna out of the oven and try and eat it but it was ate-able.Before that I made the kids pizza and left the cardboard under it on a pan.Then put the lasagna in the oven set the time and forgot to turn the oven on.In the end I burn the lasagna. It just wasn't my day to cook.
Mike left me a nice present behind the car today. He knows how to get me shook up. Just about stepped on a dead snake he left for me. Oh I jumped and screamed bloody murder. I dont know how we can keep them out of out stair well. If anyone has ideas let me know. I am tired of calling people to come kill a snake for me because its in front of my door and I cant get around it. Or even better I had one in the hallway of our house this summer. I have no idea how it got in.All I know is a good snake is a dead one. Even better if they aren't on our property.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
One in 60,000 babies.
Having a preemie is filled with doctor appointment after doctor appointment. If chase isn't going in for is acid reflex,which is under control now. Its a weight check because how small he is due to being a preemie and having acid reflex.Tomorrow we have a weight check to make sure he is still gaining like he was 2 weeks ago.He lost a few ounce last month. Then a week later only gained 2 ozs back. But his last doctors appointment he gained 12 ozs in 6 days. He has to see a geneticist for his Galactosemia in December.I hate exposing my child to having to see so many doctors if that makes any sense.But to get back to Galactosemia one in every 60,000 births a baby will be diagnosed with this genetic disorder. From what I read the liver does not make enough enzymes to break down the sugar galactose.Chase is the second case to be recorded to have 2 genes of it in his DNA. We had more of a chance to win to lottery twice or more then our child having 2 genes of it. I am reminded every day of his disorder while I am preparing a bottle for him(of soy based formula) ,I was breastfeeding when we found out he had it and I felt like I was doing the best thing for my child. Breastfeeding supports immunity to SO many disease. Part of me feels like the chance was stolen away from me.
This week at school is red ribbon week.Don't do drugs!The kids are having fun dressing up like nerds and inside out day. Brooke keep mentioning she needs a "day off of school" middle school is really taking a toll on her. She is doing good and likes it. But she is ready for Thanksgiving break and Christmas break. I remember feeling the same way.Then once being sick all the time I enjoyed going to school when I felt good enough to enjoy it. John is enjoying kindergarten.I cant believe he has the same teacher I did.He tells me all about recess and snack time and how they draw pictures of words that start with the letter of the day or week. I am feel so blessed to be a part of their life's.
This week at school is red ribbon week.Don't do drugs!The kids are having fun dressing up like nerds and inside out day. Brooke keep mentioning she needs a "day off of school" middle school is really taking a toll on her. She is doing good and likes it. But she is ready for Thanksgiving break and Christmas break. I remember feeling the same way.Then once being sick all the time I enjoyed going to school when I felt good enough to enjoy it. John is enjoying kindergarten.I cant believe he has the same teacher I did.He tells me all about recess and snack time and how they draw pictures of words that start with the letter of the day or week. I am feel so blessed to be a part of their life's.
3 Months Old |
Where can I buy sleep at?
Looked at wal mart and they don't sell sleep. Coffee just don't kick it to keep me from yawning all day*yawn*I can't stop.
The kids have it counted down till Halloween. I am pretty excited my self. Since having step kids and now a child of my own holidays are just has exciting to them as for me. I remember last Halloween. The kids got so much candy I still think we have some(I think its time to put it in the trash).Saturday is the parade which will be Chase 2nd one. He sleeps through all the noise,I don't know how. After the parade,I think we will head over to see the costume judging.
I am currently looking for some books on step parenting. I am having some trouble with john, He will cry for mom for a while after leaving her house. I tried everything, by telling him he will see her tomorrow(If it is the case, I don't lie to him about the day he will see her). I have tried taking his mind off of it with his favorite toys.The best thing I found to work is just let him cry.He calms him self down faster, but I don't know if that's the wrong way of going about it.
I am going to head to the shower,gotta go get gas and get the kids after school.I wounder if wal greens sells water with fluoride for baby formula. I need to buy like 20 at a time. Chase is a hungry monster now and we go threw them in 1-2 days it seems.
The kids have it counted down till Halloween. I am pretty excited my self. Since having step kids and now a child of my own holidays are just has exciting to them as for me. I remember last Halloween. The kids got so much candy I still think we have some(I think its time to put it in the trash).Saturday is the parade which will be Chase 2nd one. He sleeps through all the noise,I don't know how. After the parade,I think we will head over to see the costume judging.
Halloween 2010 |
I am going to head to the shower,gotta go get gas and get the kids after school.I wounder if wal greens sells water with fluoride for baby formula. I need to buy like 20 at a time. Chase is a hungry monster now and we go threw them in 1-2 days it seems.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Snot,Drama,and a glass on ice tea.
Got Chase asleep. His sleep pattern was broken Sunday because he wanted to stay awake and play with Aunt Cri.I can still sit here and stair at him sleeping for hours.
Sitting back and taking a deep breath in. Mike's in bed from a long day on the farm(harvesting beans). I had a uneventful day for once. Cleaned the house a little. Took a nap. Took care of chase of course. Went and seen Cri. Chit Chatted with her. Picked up the kiddos. Did the dinner routine.Got bath snack and bed done. And now just reflecting on the day.
I use to blog a lot in high school. With moves and parents splitting got out of the routine. Now that I have my son. I would like to keep a blog on life. But right now this momma is going to finish her tea,And catch some ZzZz's.
PS. I knew the cards was going to lose. Was just waiting for it.
Sitting back and taking a deep breath in. Mike's in bed from a long day on the farm(harvesting beans). I had a uneventful day for once. Cleaned the house a little. Took a nap. Took care of chase of course. Went and seen Cri. Chit Chatted with her. Picked up the kiddos. Did the dinner routine.Got bath snack and bed done. And now just reflecting on the day.
I use to blog a lot in high school. With moves and parents splitting got out of the routine. Now that I have my son. I would like to keep a blog on life. But right now this momma is going to finish her tea,And catch some ZzZz's.
PS. I knew the cards was going to lose. Was just waiting for it.
The love/hate I have for this season.
I love the fall colors and the cool breeze. On the other hand I hate harvest season. This one is proving its going to be the worst,with a new born that was a preemie. (I'll get in to that later) and 3 school age kids. Its none stop around the house. Mike works from 8am to about 8pm or later. Till the fields are done.
But besides that,nothing really to complain about. Chase our son that will be 3months on the 28th is finally putting on the ounces. He had a battle with acid reflex and dropped some weight and now is putting on 11-12ozs a week on(as of 10-19 he weighted 9ibs 7ozs).
Halloween is right around the corner and the kids are looking forward to it. We have one going to be a Mario Brother, another has a pop star cowgirl I think, and a wolverine type costume. Chase was going to go has a monkey. but we decide its getting to cold at night for him to join the family fun this time.
This I going to be a short little blog I started this a little late in the day. Kids will be getting out of school soon and I'll have to pick them up and chase is making it known that he is waking up. He makes cute lil noises.
But besides that,nothing really to complain about. Chase our son that will be 3months on the 28th is finally putting on the ounces. He had a battle with acid reflex and dropped some weight and now is putting on 11-12ozs a week on(as of 10-19 he weighted 9ibs 7ozs).
Halloween is right around the corner and the kids are looking forward to it. We have one going to be a Mario Brother, another has a pop star cowgirl I think, and a wolverine type costume. Chase was going to go has a monkey. but we decide its getting to cold at night for him to join the family fun this time.
This I going to be a short little blog I started this a little late in the day. Kids will be getting out of school soon and I'll have to pick them up and chase is making it known that he is waking up. He makes cute lil noises.
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