I know I haven't posted in a few days. I ment to but my A.D.D kicked in and I been spot cleaning the whole house. In between taking care of baby.And having some me time Saturday night. I been busy doing something or busy doing nothing and enjoying some time of quite and no time frame to do anything on.
Had a melt down last night, I finally just threw my hands up and said I don't know what to do. It was a long time coming for it. Everything I bottle in because venting them wont change them and I hate complaining. But its this that and everything thrown at me and I don't have time and I just down wanna deal with alot of it. Mainly health related. Crohn's disease is tied in with all my problems I have. Its either the disease its self or the medication.
This morning the time change really messed me up and had to text some one to make sure what time church was. I knew the time didnt change on it. But anytime the time changes I get confused of will on old time it would feel like its" " time but really its not. If you get what I mean. But woke up just in time to feed chase say goodbye to mike and get dressed and head out the door. Church was great today. I really like the church I have been attending. Everyone is so welcoming and I know alot of people thats a plus. And it doesn't seem like your getting preached at but that the preacher is really trying to get the message cross. Its hard to really explain. Its easier to understand the messages they are passing on....
Chase is having some problems with is Acid Reflex due to the fact he refuses to swallow most of his medication. Got it flavored grape for him and he still will spit it back out or up a few minutes later after taking it. And tonight it became known load and clean by him telling us with his screaming and crying that the soy formula is constipating him. He goes once a day or once every 36 hours but its a lil bit. He screamed and cried in pain. Finally got him to go...ALOT and now he is fine. Poor baby! I hated seeing him like that. I need to find something to help him out. He is such a happy easy going baby when he cries like that it really alarms me because it just isn't like him to be like that. He is more of a whinny baby then crying.Oh and the last 3 chase has been sleeping all night. That makes me a super happy mommy in the morning,I love the sleep lol.
Wish me luck,I got a important test I got to get done this Wednesday. Well I hope I can get it done. If not I am going to have to see and specialist.
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