I just couldn't get in the energy to start the day.I got Michael's good ol cold!Once I did get some energy I cleaned up the kitchen and bleached the bathroom. I feel like I am nesting again. Oh and vacuumed the living room and threw some cloths in the wash. I was paying for it later. My side started aching.
Brooke came home with cramps. I told her it might be PMS and had to explain that. Then had to explain what a period was with out telling her to much. I will not have the sex talk with her. WILL NOT! Then I caught her saying "Don't kick me in the wiener!" to Cady.Told mike someone needs to explain that girls don't have "wieners". So I asked him"Its time for the gender talk,if your not wanting to do it I will?" He was like dad shouldn't be telling her it. I may not be able to answer alot of the questions,You can. Oh my I don't mind doing it, its what to say. I don't wanna go to fair in to the talk where she starts asking why and well if that's related to making babies how does it happen?" NO I am not having the sex talk. I had to keep changing the subject with Cady when she would ask how does baby get in to your tummy. And if your tummy is hard from the water that the baby is in,my tummy is hard does that mean I have a baby? Oh my the questions loads of them that never stop.Someone please help me.Is there a book out there that helps with having the puberty talk with kids?
Chase has been great today. I think he was having a convocation with the dog today. He was just blabbering at him and beans just didn't get it at all so he was turning his head. I wish I had it on video. I know them 2 are going to be close.Once Chase is old enough to really interact,Beans is really not going to leave him alone.
Nothing really went on today. It was a short but calm day. I wish I had more exciting day to talk about. But stay tune my life doesn't stay calm for long!
OMG OMG HAHA I can't wait for that stuff gotta love kids