Today was a lay back day. Nothing really HAD to be done.No appointments,Nothing had to be picked up from the store.Had a flash back of yesterday,I put something in the oven for lunch for me and a friend.You know where this is going right.Yep I forgot to turn the oven on.Can stress make you forget little things like that?
I get a boost of energy in the afternoon when the kids come home.We did homework, cooked dinner,cleaned chase room,folded clothes, vacuumed,did more laundry,swept the kitchen.Then mike came home with a sweet card for me just because.
I just attempted to put chase in his crib to sleep for the first time in it. He has napped in it but never bed time.First time was a fail.Now he doesn't wanna leave my arms.So I been writing this with one hand while chase beats me up in his sleep.Maybe after being a sleep for 10 mins. in my arms we will attempt try #2 of the crib. If all else fails it we will try again Friday night.
Daddy got a big smile! |
Yes, stress can cause memory lapses...relax..enjoy the little moments...Each day will get easier and more fulfilling. That was so nice of Mike to bring home a card. Little things like that can make the big things easier to take...Relax a will find that it helps.