18month old+Traveling alone with 18mo old+Cast=I feel like a nightmare coming.....
I hate traveling alone, but makes me so nervous to travel with chase. I have flown more then 6 times and I still am scared to death of planes. I just imagine it now Chase crying on the airplane because he wants off my lap for 3-4hrs.I will cry right along with him. And what the hell do I do if he HAS to have diaper change on the plane? Oh my.....but once we land all that will be forgotten because it will just be a bit and I will see my family!
But any tips to keep him clam? After 2hrs in the car he cry's he wants out and he is just done.And that cast,Its bulky on him.Its are to keep a toodler from wiggling, but the cast doesn't help. Its hard to get a grip on him to keep him from wiggling. And I hate to see if someone by us has something he wants...Oh my..."Please keep tablets out of my childs eye sight, He will wanna play with it"
To get off topic, I have been dealing with some bad insomnia. I dont even remember when it started. It may been this way for my whole life. I cant just fall asleep. I am awake for what it feels like HOURS laying down. I end up,surfing the net, watching TV, drinking a bunch of water(then once I do go to sleep I end up waking up to go to the bath room). I just cant sleep. I been taking unisom(SP), to try and sleep. Its 10pm and I am tierd, but sleep yeah right.
Cast # 2 is proving to be different from the first. Chase is back to not having anything to do with independent steps at all. Crawling is even a bit difficult.I know its only been a week of this cast, but he seem use to it. But still gets mad at the cast pulls at the shoulder straps and after crawling for a long stretch or even just a little bit, he will just lay down and give in. It breaks my heart,I have to pick him up and cuddle him. I just want him to be able to do what ever he wants in this cast.But he is still doing great with his walker.
Hi... I've wandered over from the infantile scoliosis chronicles. For the diaper on the plane you will muddle through. It sucks to change in that bathroom and I can't even imagine with an 18 month old. We flew twice when big sis was about that age but she must have made it the whole way without a diaper needed. I was going to suggest a tablet to play with. You won't be able to put the tray table down with an 18 month old on your lap (especially in cast) so coloring and other games aren't really an option. The other thing I do is pack a bag full of food. Any kind of food that will keep the kids busy. The object is not nutrition but rather it is to keep the screaming to a minimum! Also people are always willing to help out when you are alone with a baby/kid. I had lots of help on my trips to get E casted (2 consults and 2 casts so I've flown 4 times with her). 18 months is a tricky age to fly with. I much prefer a 6 month old or a 3 year old. Hang in there. You will make it!