Time is traveling so fast. At times it feels like its moving so slow but when its the end of December and everyone is reflecting on year, So much has happened and it doesn't seem like that long ago. I can still remember things from the beginning of 2012 that feels like it was just last month.I can remember every little detail of days. ( Now my short term memory is just crap,I cant tell you what I had for breakfast yesterday with out having to think for 10mins). And having a good long term memory isn't a good thing either. Some of the stuff I would like to just forget a lot of the details too. I can tell you what day or a week of when everything has happend with Chase.
All I can do is thank god, we are all in good health. Well on the right track with chase's. And that nothing else has really came up with anyone in our family. This will be the year that we can remember that we have a lot of great things in life that we have to fight for. This is the year that the internet and another's mothers blog that led me to believe that we needed to change treatments with chase,and found EDF casting. Scoliosis will always be a big part of my life. I will never stop praising god who put it in my heart to not just sit back and be quite and trust that a M.D at the end of a Doctors name makes him right at his opinion of treatment.
We had some good times in 2012, long summer days swimming,indoor water gun fights, the joy of kids birthdays, racing nights, family get together's, Just to many to name really.I could sit here for hours and type of stories of little memories that will never be forgotten.
Every year is never the same, use to be just about every year since 17,I was either living in a new state, or town. 2010 I fought for my life, and proudly won. 2011 I had my pride and joy a little over a year after my life battle. And now 2012, is the battle of chase's scoliosis. And I hope next year, I can say around this time of year that its just been a smooth year. But in 12 months, something is bond to happen that will change something a out look, a lost, a hard time. Life is never easy, But doesn't make it bad life at all. I am 25( had to correct my self there I first had 24,forgot I aged a year). I have been threw more then the average person my age, and I can't say that I would change anything in my past. It could of changed my path, and I may not of have the life I have now,4 soon to be step children and a son. I would like to think sometimes everything happens for a reason.
Ok enough blabbering I will bore ya guys :)
Here are some recent pictures I have took.
Chase was talking about something, and was really getting in to it with his hands. He is very animated talker. |
My girls! |
John's new happy napper his new pal. |
Chase gave up after opening 2 presents and wanted to just play with them. |
John and his new farm animal set,I tried to get pictures of everyone and help chase along and pay attach to all of them yelling "look look" |
Before Cast(60 degrees),and in Cast xrays(23 degrees) |
Look at them ribs, and is spine. That curve looks so tiny and GREAT compared to before.I just hope his number is great once the cast comes off. I am rooting for a 50 or even 45. |
Oh small little update too. With the kids being home and chase getting more interaction he is now doing more once again. He will put objects in, he mumbled big bird, and plays peek-a-boo. Walking is still at a stand still in progress. If you don't let him crawl and make him try to walk to some one that is 3 ft away he will take 1-2 independent step. Every time he trys, my heart races and I hold my breath just waiting to be able to yell and cry that he is walking. Don't get me wrong I am proud of them little steps. But it has me worried for him being 17 months old and not walking yet, while physical therapy tells me its nothing to really worry about yet in the back of my mind I'm freaking. I just want the best for my baby. But I think he is like mommy and brobber, little bit nervous to try new things.