Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blogger's Love To Read Other Blogs!

I have been doing a lot of reading blogs lately. Some I just have to share..I have been reading one amazing woman's blog everyday now since I did some research of my own for my son's condition Girl To Mom's blog is one of the greatest blogs I personally came a crossed. Also a great blog, I think that help's explain a child going threw EDF casting is  The Infantile Scoliosis Chronicles. I have been trying to read every I can about Chase's Scoliosis. The more I know, the more I can help chase in the decisions I may have to make in his treatment.

I swear chase gets in these growth spurts of new words and actions. All of sudden out of no where its like BANG chase changes his bed time, is talking more, and trying to walk. He has been arguing with me all day. Throwing his hands around yelling and have this look on his face of seriousness.And like 4 new words in 3 days. He will drop a toy and say bye bye to it. So freaking cute how he does it. Now I am just blabbering away about little things that babies normally do. But when its your child, its the cutest thing ever and you wanna get your camera but when them moments come you do have it in your hand!

We are having a problem with little runner's around here.All the kids wanna run in the house,and now one of them is getting in trouble in school for running in the school. So I suggested to mike that we have the kids write "I will not run in the hall way" demending on which child it is at our home and their age will depend on how many times we feel is fair for their age. And if we get a note from school. After going over school rules of no running and way sentience will be punishment.

How do you deal with punishment for certain things?

1 comment:

  1. Chase sounds like he is quite entertaining. Enjoy these moments. I wish I could have some of your "moments" back!

    I would make the kids around around the house outside for a certain amount of laps. For each time they get caught, increase the laps around the house...

    You can never have enough info on Scoliosis...and reading blogs about others who have gone through it is a good idea. Facts are great, but until you have gone through it, you really don't know what it's like. Its kinda like reading a recipe for a great hamburger but not tasting it. It is just not the same,til you have experienced it.

    Keep blogging...it's great therapy.
