I think I have said this before, But these 8 weeks are flying by with casting. Chase has now been in cast #2 for 6 weeks now. I can't wait for the week of cuddling and bath times. And cast # 3 is already planned and got the date,just got to get the hotel booked.
I finally just gave up and called in to my doctor to get my own scoliosis checked on. For a few months now lower back pain has been stopping me in my tracks. I am refusing to get more of my spine fused, So I hope they have another suggestion.If my rods are broke or bent or removed for any reason,well I will just have to figure out how to deal with that surgery.
I can tell the kids have been cooped up in the house for way to long now. The kids are at the point of bugging each other. And the fighting is CONSTANT.Can't wait for spring just to let them go out and run some of this energy out. And for this cold season to leave. With 4 kids in the house we always have one or 2 of them sick. And call me bad mother but I don't let them go out and play in this weather if they are sick. I think that's just asking for trouble.
My depression and anxiety are fully active. I might be getting the winter blues. I need the SUN light and the warm weather. I am trying my hardest not be go back on medication for it but I think my depression is starting to run my life. I have short level before getting irritated and have not want to do anything,but I push my self to try and get everything done. But I just don't do or want to do anything for "myself time".