I am going to attempt once again. To keep this blog going. Kinda failed on my goal a blog a day! Oops. Well life happens.
Chase is going to be 9 months this week. Let me tell you, if you look at him now and didn't know he started off at 5 pounds you would never believe me.He is such a handsome lil guy. He is doing great and has 2 teeth and the 3rd one on its way in.
John, Cady and Brooke, are doing great too. I swear they grow taller every week. They been testing our limits a lot. And it don't help that Brooke is going through the pre teen mood swings,talk back, eye rolling stage. They only have 3 weeks left till good ol summer vacation. I remember being a kid and having the days counted down. But after like 2 weeks of it. Its boring!
Mike is looking in to getting back in to his old hobby of racing. I am in the the shock of oh my lord if you wreck and get hurt or die or break your spine. (The list of my worry's can go on,I'll just stop there). I am not a person that thrill seeks. I don't have to go at high speeds to get a rush. But what can I say. Looks fun but honestly,its not my cup of tea. And I am not going to stop him. (If I have a heart attack before the age of 30,we know why now). Everyone needs their hobbies and needs their time to have fun. (My fun is not to go around and circle really fast and thrown around in a car)I get car sick just watching the race. I cant even watch them on you tube with out wanting to vomit(All and can think is "going around and around and around"I gotta stop thinking about it, lunch will come up)
And for me, nothing really new. 2 weeks late on remicade for my crohn's disease.Due to a infection. But hoping to get it all cleared up soon and get Remicade ASAP. I am thinking about taking a class or 2 during the summer. Just to do something and get out of the house for a bit. These 4 walls kinda get boring from time to time.